Racist Firworks Pulled from (WI) Shelves

On one side of the packaging for 'Run Hadji Run' fireworks, men of Middle Eastern decent are riding on camels with a bomber plane flying above them. On the other side is an angry-looking Uncle Same yanking the beard of what looks like a Muslim man.

"This is just outrageous," said Kenya McKnight. What comes in my mind, is that people will get idea to pop fireworks at Muslims."

The fireworks were being sold for $30. While the owner didn't want to comment on camera, customers had a lot to say.

"To me it sends a clear message that Muslims are terrorists. ‘Run Hadji Run’—I’m going to throw some fireworks and I want to see you run," McKnight said.


Note: None have been listed on eBay...yet. ;)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
So, what exactly does a Muslim look like? I think they're just pandering to the whole PC crowd and their fear of any semblance of Islamophobia. I'd buy em'.


what the fuck you lookin at?
:rofl: thats fuckin great! Shame people gotta get worked up over shit like this. Its a joke people lighten the fuck up! :thefinger

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Fireworks, racist or not RULE! I used to love bottle rocket fights when I was a teenager. And I'd buy these just to spite the people who take it too seriously. No I wouldn't buy anything out of spite. That just sounds stupid and petty. But my point is just because someone may find something offensive doesn't mean a product should be removed from the shelves and it doesn't mean that some stupid kid somewhere is going to form an opinion about Muslims based upon some caricature on a box of fireworks.
Not a good idea to mess with the muslims if you want your product to stay on the shelves

A better idea would have been to put the Prophet Muhammed on the packages. Maybe if we were lucky, they would have burned and rioted like those in Denmark not long ago. :D


Hiliary 2020
Not a good idea to mess with the muslims if you want your product to stay on the shelves

or if you don't want violent riots, burnings, property destroyed and priests and nuns and innocent citizens murdered or your culture over-run and stomped on and destroyed.
the more accurate term would probably be prejudiced or bigoted, lol.

On independance day they choose to do this though, for shame, for shame.
Fireworks, racist or not RULE! I used to love bottle rocket fights when I was a teenager. And I'd buy these just to spite the people who take it too seriously. No I wouldn't buy anything out of spite. That just sounds stupid and petty. But my point is just because someone may find something offensive doesn't mean a product should be removed from the shelves and it doesn't mean that some stupid kid somewhere is going to form an opinion about Muslims based upon some caricature on a box of fireworks.

Yeah, you wouldn't buy anything out of spite, just these moronic fireworks. :rolleyes:

I think you were almost reflective there for a moment, weren't you? ;)

But not quite.

Anyway, these are awful. This is making the bonehead-warrior crusade aspect of the war akin to backyard child's play. Just what we need - kids and their "parents" (for those who actually bother to monitor the fireworks usage) play-acting G.I. Joe kicking some Iraqi/terrorist/"Mozlem"/towelhead/diaperhead/Ay-rab/Afganny/sand-****** (etc) ass! Pathetic.

The soldiers and private contractors-with-guns who do the "Run, Hadji, run!" schtick before, say, indiscriminately mowing a group of people down or stacking up piles of naked prisoners are precisely the ones who are adding fuel to the fire of Arabic and Muslim hatred of Americans, and they're provoking further terrorist attacks.

Aside from the bigoted nature of the packaging, it's just plain stupid and counterproductive. It trivializes war and also promotes the sickest (but perhaps truest) interpretation of the purpose of the war.